
Outsourcing, retainers and long-term development partnerships

One of our original goals for BSL was to offer research and development services to established organizations. After all, it’s not always straightforward for even large companies to create cutting edge development teams, as their core business may not be related to IT. Moreover, even when IT is a significant part of their business – such as within a bank – there is frequently a wide gap between delivering core services and innovating with new technologies.


Outsourcing development and system maintenance has been a trend for many years now. One motivation in the past has been the possible cost reduction if you outsource your development work and system maintenance to low-income territories such as Eastern Europe or India. However, what may look fantastic in a spreadsheet doesn’t look so impressive once you consider language and cultural differences, communication problems, the cost of working in multiple time zones, and the complexities of working under differing legal regimes. As a result, what appears cost-effective can become a considerable headache. So, unsurprisingly, we’ve seen several clients gradually pull back from outsourcing overseas.

Outsourcing locally

There are alternatives. One bank has gradually moved its outsourced Indian development teams to the Netherlands. Naturally, if you have the resources to subcontract to third parties and then relocate them to the Netherlands, this resolves some issues. Time zones are no longer an issue, and communication becomes more manageable. But many of the financial advantages are lost due to the cost of workspace, housing, and paperwork. After all, outsourcing to a local development partner offers the same benefits but with lower risk and near-zero investment costs!

BSL as an outsourcing partner

We’ve considerable experience in developing and maintaining custom software used by large international corporations and local companies. For example, our development partnership with ABN AMRO (working on SRS) has been in place for more than 20 years. We have a similar relationship with PwC, developing, maintaining and hosting their Pulse software. Despite the small size of BSL, we focus exclusively on software development and employ highly skilled web developers and software engineers. We deliver considerable added value due to these skills, and we are fleet of foot, meaning we can be flexible, move quickly, and innovate. Attributes that contribute to us becoming a global PwC development partner, something of which we are very proud.

We’ve been equally successful in supporting demanding clients here in the Netherlands. So, over more than 20 years, we have developed numerous products for NBD Biblion. These developments include their central Media Information Production system, Multimedia Content Management, Commercial web applications, touchscreen kiosk software, and many interfaces to third-party library systems and services. In addition, we’ve created API’s that help NBD Biblion to share their information with many different business partners, such as the recent AI and Machine learning integrations.

Sharing a client’s priorities – and the risk

In all these cases, a client’s needs and the quality of our work are our sole priorities. After all, their success helps BSL. And the benefits to the clients are that we take full responsibility for developing, and maintaining their software, usually for a fixed annual cost. In addition, we research new technologies, and we assist with the adoption of new platforms, such as Cloud services. We meet the innovation costs and actively recruit new talent and offer fixed cost, fixed date solutions. Effectively, we take away all the risks from our clients, allowing them to focus on their core business.

What more can we offer?

We work with a monthly retainer with several of our customers. When we agree on a retainer fee, we naturally first work with them to define a realistic estimate of the development work and support they need each year. On this basis, we agree on a monthly budget and tariffs for different types of work.

Once a retainer agreement is in place, we can carry out multiple assignments under the agreement, often providing an estimate for each project but without the need for a time-consuming quotation and approval process each time. This approach means that projects start more quickly. It also allows us to adopt Agile techniques, with frequent incremental deliveries, providing the client with many opportunities for feedback. An ideal opportunity for them to ensure the end-product meets all their needs.

How does a retainer work?

For example, we recently designed and developed a new corporate website for one of our customers under a retainer agreement. We then wrote content, produced videos, and employed SEO specialists to help create a successful website. While almost none of this additional work was part of the original project, the flexibility of a retainer agreement meant we could quickly deliver the contents and leave the client to focus on their business. Even after completing the site, we’ve continued to create blogs, videos and infographics, all within the scope of a monthly retainer. Each month we provide an overview of the work done. Sometimes this exceeds the estimate, and at other times it’s lower than the estimate. Once a quarter or once every six months, we calculate and resolve any differences. By trusting each other, we create a win-win situation for both parties. Best of all, we can deliver quickly!

Can we advise you further?

If – like BSL – you’ve been working as a developer for more than 25 years for various customers, large and small, then you know how to find a technical solution for most situations. Together with the customer, we learn to understand their business, with little or no focus on short-term gains. We believe that a long-term partnership with trust on both sides is much more valuable to both parties.

Do you also want advice and would like to learn more about retainers, or how a long-term software development partnership can help your business? Then let’s get around the table and see if we can be of service to each other.

Introducing a new Graphic Workflow system at NBD Biblion

Introducing a new Graphic Workflow system at NBD Biblion

NBD Biblion supplies media and books to Dutch public libraries and school media centres. We developed their Media Information and Production System (MIPS), which catalogues hundreds of new titles each month. Our most recent project encompasses the design and development of their new Graphic Workflow.

New developments for the Keylane Careers website

New developments for the Keylane Careers website

Keylane is a provider of SaaS software for the insurance and pensions industry. With rapid growth and employees in four countries, the company is constantly seeking new talent. Keylane has engaged BSL to create new pages for the “Keylane Academy” to showcase career development opportunities within the company.

Pulse – enhanced user experience and embedded AI

Pulse – enhanced user experience and embedded AI

Pulse just got better! Our latest Pulse release, developed for PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) by BSL, leverages cutting-edge Azure AI technology. It introduces new AI-based features such as translation, summarisation, and sentiment analysis. We’ve also redesigned the user interface for an improved user experience.

Progressive Web Apps in EU undermined by Apple?

Progressive Web Apps in EU undermined by Apple?

If you aren’t familiar with mobile app development, you may not know that Apple has recently thrown a rather large spanner into the iOS ecosystem. Since the early betas of iOS 17.4 were made available, developers noted that so-called “Progressive Web Apps” (PWAs) were no longer functional in the EU. Our blog explains more.

The role of AI in Business Intelligence for multinationals

The role of AI in Business Intelligence for multinationals

BSL delivers Business Intelligence solutions to multinational organisations, integrating content from thousands of publications worldwide and delivering daily themed news alerts and briefings to business users. Recently, we’ve introduced AI technologies to these services, and our latest blog post highlights some of the benefits.

Whiteboards and the Canon of the Netherlands app

Whiteboards and the Canon of the Netherlands app

Recently, a digital whiteboard supplier called CTOUCH reached out to BSL, requesting permission to include the Canon of the Netherlands app in their store for use on their digital whiteboards in classrooms. We liked the idea and recently created a special version of our app designed specifically for the big screen.

Google Looker Studio: Making sense of big data

Google Looker Studio: Making sense of big data

In today’s fast-paced world, making quick and well-informed decisions is crucial. Google Looker Studio is a free tool that can give you a significant advantage. It can help you transform your vast amount of Analytics data into informative, easy-to-read dashboards and reports that are completely customizable.

Let BSL take care of your website maintenance updates

Let BSL take care of your website maintenance updates

We understand the importance of regular website maintenance updates for WordPress and Drupal. Hackers sometimes target popular open-source products, so keeping your CMS and any plugins up-to-date is essential. Trust BSL to keep your website up-to-date and secure while you focus on crafting persuasive content for your audience.

BSL Summer event on the water

BSL Summer event on the water

It was time for our annual summer event with the whole company. This year, Diana arranged a boat trip in a salon boat along the Vecht towards Loenen and Vreeland. After the boat trip, the summer event continued in the restaurant of Bistrotel ‘t Amsterdammertje, where everyone enjoyed a delicious dinner.

Adobe Firefly and Photoshop Beta with generative fill

Adobe Firefly and Photoshop Beta with generative fill

After the success of ChatGPT and Midjourney AI – both already in use at BSL – Adobe didn’t want to be left behind and made public their Beta releases of Adobe Firefly and Photoshop AI. With the arrival of the Adobe Betas, we’ve turned our attention to the new kids on the block, comparing them with Midjourney.

Midjourney prompts – Describing your perfect image

Midjourney prompts – Describing your perfect image

In an earlier blog, we introduced Midjourney as a tool we use within BSL when designing websites and banners for blogs. To direct Midjourney to create the image you have in mind, you need to write a prompt describing the image. This new blog discusses Midjourney prompts and some of the commands and parameters you can use.

Drupal 9 development using Tailwind CSS

Drupal 9 development using Tailwind CSS

Using Drupal, BSL has developed an extensive Intranet site to which we all have access. We’re developing a new version of the site, and in this blog, one of our developers talks about some of the tools we are using, including Twig templates, the Entity and Form APIs and Tailwind CSS.

Midjourney AI – Turning your ideas into images

Midjourney AI – Turning your ideas into images

Over the past few weeks, BSL has been exploring the many possibilities offered by Artificial Intelligence. This latest blog describes the use of Midjourney AI, a web service that generates images based on natural language descriptions (“prompts”). The results are impressive. Read our blog to find out more.

The benefits of long-term partnerships

The benefits of long-term partnerships

NBD Biblion offers personalised book and media title recommendations to schools and libraries, and supplies their clients with the titles they select. BSL has had a long-term partnership with NBD Biblion for more than twenty years, delivering development teams, technical advice, and support.

ChatGPT for business information analysis

ChatGPT for business information analysis

After the initial enthusiastic response to the introduction of ChatGPT and AI, attention switched to the unreliability of many ChatGPT answers. However, using Azure OpenAI (ChatGPT) and Cognitive Search with reliable data, we can deliver reliable, high-quality business information in response to natural language queries.

Browser engine wars – Part 2 – The impact of Apple’s iOS monopoly

Browser engine wars – Part 2 – The impact of Apple’s iOS monopoly

The Apple iOS monopoly means that every app on iOS – including browsers from Apple’s competitors – must use WebKit to display web content. While it’s not uncommon for browser developers to use a third-party engine, they can usually control which engine features they use in their browser and – if needed – add custom features.

Browser engine wars – Part 1 – How did we get here?

Browser engine wars – Part 1 – How did we get here?

The Register recently reported that Google is working on an iOS version of Chromium. A few days later, a second article claimed that Mozilla is working on an iOS version of Gecko, Firefox’s browser engine. Both reports suggest that the Apple browser engine on iOS, WebKit, is in danger of losing its monopoly.

Donation on behalf of earthquake victims in Turkey and Syria

Donation on behalf of earthquake victims in Turkey and Syria

On Monday, 6 February, several powerful earthquakes and aftershocks hit Turkey and Syria. This disaster affects as many as 23 million people, including many who are already in desperate need due to the conflict in Syria. If possible, please join us in making a donation on the Giro555 website.

WordPress and page-builders such as Divi and Elementor

WordPress and page-builders such as Divi and Elementor

For building websites on behalf of clients, we often use WordPress together with page-builders, making it easy to prototype and develop modern, responsive websites. With page-builders such as Divi and Elementor, you can easily and quickly design and build pages to match almost any design.

2022 and the Bright Side of Life

2022 and the Bright Side of Life

Taking the time to reflect regularly on the things we are grateful for at the Bright Side can help shift our perspective to focus on the positive aspects of our work. So, here are the things for which I’m grateful in 2022.

SEO benefits, and the power of good-quality content

SEO benefits, and the power of good-quality content

Many business owners still think their websites are merely visiting cards. Their “go-to” expression is: “our clients/audience already know where to find us…”. This may be true, but optimizing your website will reach new clients and audiences.

New Keylane Careers website

New Keylane Careers website

Keylane asked BSL to help design and build a new Careers website. The main aim is to increase the number of visitors by improving the organic search performance. To achieve this, we’re introducing a new design and adding blogs.

Cloud provider migration: What are the benefits?

Cloud provider migration: What are the benefits?

The focus of Cloud computing is to improve the efficiency of IT services. By choosing a cloud-based solution, organisations can stay up-to-date with technology innovations and benefit from higher scalability, lower expenses, and enhanced security.

A new website for BoekWijzer

A new website for BoekWijzer

We’ve completely revamped the BoekWijzer website! The website was built to support the BoekWijzer app, the mobile guide to the world of Dutch literature. Using the app, you can quickly and easily stay up to date with the latest literary news.

New developer / web designer at BSL

New developer / web designer at BSL

If you have any questions about your website or web design in general, then Patrick van Bennekom is ready to help you five days a week at BSL. Patrick helps to design and create websites and apps for our customers, including the design of logos and house styles to deliver a professional end product.

Migrating to the Cloud, benefits and opportunities

Migrating to the Cloud, benefits and opportunities

Several of our clients are migrating to the Cloud, and some that aren’t yet ready for this step are reviewing their legacy systems, intending to migrate to the Cloud in the future. We’ve recently completed two migrations on behalf of multinationals, and our experience has taught us that a direct approach (simply redeploying existing databases and applications on virtual machines) is not always the best route…

Beleev: Controlled Multisensory Environments

Beleev: Controlled Multisensory Environments

Perhaps you have never heard of snoezelen, a Dutch term that describes controlled multisensory environments (MSE) that stimulate various senses within a custom environment – a so-called “Snoezel” room. On behalf of St. John the Baptist special education school in Kerkrade, we’ve created custom software to create and manage so-called “Snoezel” rooms, controlling, lights, audio, switches and a video projector.

Goodbye 2021 and COVID-19 lockdowns – It’s time to look back

Goodbye 2021 and COVID-19 lockdowns – It’s time to look back

So who, in early 2020, thought that we’d still be operating under COVID-19 lockdown measures in January 2022? Luckily, my skill set has given me a better understanding of software development and technology than catering or hospitality. As director of an IT company, I’m happy to say that Bright Side of Life has taken to remote working as a fish to water. Let me tell you about our year.

Canon of the Netherlands apps now available in stores

Canon of the Netherlands apps now available in stores

The Dutch Canon of the Netherlands (2007) tells the story of how the Netherlands was formed. Using the Canon, BSL developed the popular EnToen Nu apps for iOS and Android a few years later. In 2020, the Canon was extensively revised, so we’ve completely rewritten the Canon apps, bringing them up-to-date, making them faster and even more fun to use. They’re now available in the app stores.





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