Clients and Sectors

Clients and Sectors of Industry
We have more than 30 years of experience developing software.
We’ve delivered custom software to a wide range of customers in various industry sectors. Our ability to innovate and quickly learn about new industries and technologies has been crucial to our success. During each project, we apply our design and development skills to meet the challenges presented by clients. We thrive on these challenges and the opportunities they provide for BSL to work at the leading edge of development technology.
Why not get in touch, and talk to us about your next project?
Financial Sector
Banks, multi-national businesses and the leading financial newspaper in the Netherlands have all found their way to the Bright Side of Life!

ABN AMRO is an international bank with their head office in Amsterdam. Based on their requirements, BSL created an easy-to-use, fast and secure global system that manages signatures and powers of attorney throughout their organisation. As a result, their Signature Registration System is unique within the banking sector, offering ABN AMRO a clear business advantage over its competitors.

ING Group / Postbank
The ING needed a solution to archive their vast amount of branding information, including images, PDFs and house-style templates. So we created a customized FRS Mediabank, giving designers and ING suppliers easy access to thousands of photos, illustrations, PDFs and brand information.

Het Financieele Dagblad
BSL developed the FD News, Image and Audio archive (NIA) for the Financieele Dagblad (the leading Dutch financial news daily). The NIA manages thousands of images and news articles received daily from press bureaus, as well as the text, audio and video material produced by their print, online and radio journalists.

PwC is a large, international firm in the professional services industry. BSL developed their award-winning real-time news alert service ‘Pulse’, initially using Exalead and Oracle™ technology, but recently migrated to Cognitive Search and SQL Server on Azure. Pulse was a great success and is now a global service available to all PwC employees worldwide via their web browsers, tablets or smartphones.
Literary and Library services
If you visit a library or browse through online digital titles (either e-books or in your favourite online store), you will probably use software developed by the Bright Side of Life. We have worked on title and collection management services for over 20 years. Fluent MARC21, PICA, PPNs, ISBNs and EANS are just some of the languages we speak!

NBD Biblion
NBD Biblion provides many services on behalf of libraries and school media labs. BSL has developed production systems (MIPS/MOM) used by NBD, importing, managing and distributing bibliographic material, covers and PDFs. We’ve recently integrated these systems with AI services. In addition, we’ve created new versions of their literary databases (Literom and Uittrekselbank). Web services designed and developed by BSL supply covers and title content to many commercial and non-commercial websites.

Stichting Lezen
Stichting Lezen promotes reading among children in the Netherlands. At their request, BSL developed the Drupal-based website, where users can create teaching and academic programs to promote reading within educational institutions. In addition, users can contribute and share original learning programs, all of which can be browsed and selected based on criteria such as age group, purpose, and structure of the lessons.

Stichting (the central NL library service) is an organisation that is rapidly modernising Dutch library IT systems. BSL has worked on many projects and created several widgets based on their new White Label Web site Infrastructure. We also developed their e-books site and customer service portal using Drupal.

In 2004, BSL took over the design and development of, redesigning the site, database and CMS. The CMS imports title information for every book published in the Netherlands and is updated daily. Furthermore, it automatically links books and authors to literary events, tours, interviews, videos, columns and tv/radio programs. In addition, our software distributes Literatuurplein content via web services to Dutch library sites throughout the Netherlands.
Government / Public Authority services
Security, encryption and managing vast quantities of digital assets feature heavily in our work for the Dutch Police and security services. The VROM, OC&W and the RGD are all Bright Side of Life clients. These are just a selection from our many completed projects.

Centrale Recherche Informatiedienst / Dutch Police
BSL developed a suite of Edison applications designed for managing regional photo databases of suspects, synchronised between locations within each Police region. We also created international databases of high-resolution images used for verifying travel documents and currencies by customs organisations worldwide.

European Commission Projects / Van EyCK
The international Van EyCK art history database & website was designed for use by European galleries, art institutes and auction houses. Van EyCK can compare images, making it possible to identify copies of works or recognise different artists’ styles. It also supports many techniques for classifying and describing artworks, using custom thesauri and the Iconclass art classification system.

IND (Dutch Immigration Service)
BSL created a custom version of the Edison software (developed for the Dutch Police) linking images of immigrants and foreigners to existing databases used by the Dutch Immigration and Naturalization Services. In addition, we created a prototype system where users can view photos alongside personal information extracted from multiple databases to improve identity verification and support the automated production of identity cards.

European Commission Projects / SignBase
Teaching Dutch and British sign language to children was the primary goal of our European SignBase project. SignBase stored thousands of sign language videos, linking the videos to descriptions, keywords, synonyms, and context. In addition, the database – a world first – was used to create teaching tools such as CD/DVD games, dictionaries and other learning aids, allowing deaf children and their families to discover and learn sign language for themselves.
Collection Management
We used our FRS multimedia database platform to deliver Digital Asset management solutions used by newspapers, museums and collection managers. If you have hundreds of thousands of images, videos or PDFs and want an experienced partner to provide you with a safe, secure web-based solution, get in touch.

The NIOD Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies
The NIOD has an extensive and unique collection of images – from, among others – the German occupation of the Netherlands during WWII. BSL developed the WWII Image Bank, making it easy for the NIOD to publish selections from their vast archive of images.

KITLV (Dutch Royal Institute of Linguistics and Anthropology)
KITLV (the Dutch Royal Institute of Linguistics and Anthropology) promotes the culture and history of Southeast Asia, the Pacific and the Caribbean. BSL developed a custom online image archive containing their unique collection of historical photos.

RKD (Dutch Institute for Art History)
The RKD (Dutch Institute for Art History), Trinity College Dublin, and the Courtauld Gallery were our partners in developing the Van EyCK European art history database.

Courtauld Gallery (University of London)
The Courtauld Gallery in London is one of the most respected art institutes in the world. BSL helped the Courtauld and other European institutes to create a multilingual online art history database.

CRV (Holland Genetics / Dutch Cattle Syndicate)
CRV is a Dutch-Belgian organisation responsible for improving and promoting cattle herds. They maintain comprehensive breeding records, including many photos. We created their Multimedia Bank (MMB) using our FRS software, adding many CRV-specific features, such as links to several in-house systems. The MMB is an unqualified success – a unique visual database of cattle (dairy and breeding stock) that now includes videos alongside photos.

European Space Agency / ESTEC
ESTEC (European Space Research and Technology Centre) is the NASA of Europe. They asked BSL to develop a graphic database containing thousands of images, videos, and incident reports to make all their information on accidents and potential risks available online to their security and safety specialists.