The Bright Side Blog: Project News and Events

Browse through our blog! Get the latest news about activities, developments and projects on behalf of our customers, as well as updates about the BSL team and events.

Our blog pages reflect our passion for software development. Our skills. Our Agile approach. Our commitment to deliver on-time, and on-budget. We demonstrate our passion time after time, as our project portfolio shows. Our blog tells you what interests us, and our clients. How our engineers and designers work closely with clients - large and small - to deliver reliable, innovative custom solutions. Learn how we create responsive web sites, and great mobile apps for iOS and Android. Whatever the challenge, our passion for software can help you to achieve your business goals. So get in touch, and find out just how the Bright Side of Life can help with your next project.

Keylane – WordPress Website Management

Keylane – WordPress Website Management


WordPress Website Management

Keylane – WordPress Website Management

Keylane is a European supplier of modern, customer-oriented SaaS software for the insurance and pension sector. The organization has experienced rapid growth in a short period of time. Currently they employ more than 750 people. And they have more than 100 clients throughout Europe. Their Corporate WordPress Website supports these clients. In addition, the site  helps to find new ones. Available in three languages, and hosting multiple Newsletters and domains, it’s a complex site. What’s more, it has a custom theme and uses many third party plugins. Keylane also has a second WordPress website that focuses just on Recruitment.

Previously, the sites were hosted by a one-man company. This kept the costs low, and Keylane was satisfied with their provider. However, they chose to look for a company with more WordPress specialists. This was because it was difficult for one person to provide around the clock support. And as Keylane grew, they also needed more expertise. In areas such as security, performance, and integration with external systems. They therefore chose BSL, and we started work on the migration. However, not everything went to plan. Several parts of the site had been created using undocumented WordPress modifications. The WordPress core was outdated, and several plug-ins no longer worked.

Keylane - WordPress Website Management
Keylane - WordPress Website Management

WordPress website migration

Our developers were asked to migrate the Keylane sites from the old provider to a new hosting partner: Solid Hosting. The migration wasn’t straightforward, so we first re-created the sites. To do so, we used our own servers and content extracted from a multi-site dump. Firstly, we extracted only the content used by Keylane. We then re-created redirects for the many associated domains. We tested and updated more than 80 plugins. Some of these were eventually removed, improving the performance. After successfully recreating the corporate website, our developers next added SSL support, renewed the plugin licenses, and optimized the page speed. Only then did we install the site on a Solid Hosting server.

Keylane - WordPress Website Management

Migrating the Careers wordpress website was also a challenge. The old structure was so unnecessarily complex that we created a new site. This  was based on a clone of the new corporate website. Quick and efficient! After successfully migrating and enhancing both websites, we offered Keylane a support and maintenance agreement for the long term. We guarantee the availability of both sites, and also keep WordPress and the many plugins up-to-date. All for a fixed annual cost. A long-term solution that a company like Keylane needs as they continue to grow.

Keylane - WordPress Website Management

At BSL, you have come to the right place for…

WordPress specialism

Would you like your current WordPress website modified or optimized? Or do you want us to build a completely new responsive website? Our developers have a lot of experience with WordPress. But they also know the ins and outs of Drupal and Joomla too. At BSL we often use standard CMS systems for delivering interfaces to larger back-end systems. This gives our customers the possibility to adjust the content of the front-end website themselves. Without needing support from our developers. And you can use a simple Drupal / WordPress website to access any of your in-house services.

Integration of backend services and databases

Unlike many other companies that work with WordPress or Drupal, our developers can quickly develop new custom plugins and modules. And then integrate them with back-end services and databases.

Support contract

With a maintenance contract from BSL you know exactly where you stand. You can choose a standard maintenance contract. Or one specially tailored for you. In addition, we offer operational support contracts. This gives you direct access to our engineers during office hours, but also on weekends if you prefer. Even 24/7!

“Migrating, updating and improving a WordPress multisite with no  information from the previous developer was a real challenge for us. Whereas migrating a WordPress website is normally easy, this was a tricky puzzle to solve. But when it finally succeeded, it was very satisfying!”


Front-end Developer, Bright Side of Life

Unique video-wall for a reception area

Unique video-wall for a reception area

Unique Video-Wall

Reception Area

Unique video-wall for a reception area

Our client is an international company that offers smart, secure and hassle-free online payment solutions for consumers and businesses. They wanted a unique video-wall in their new reception area – one covering most of the wall. So they asked BSL to make a proposal. We have designers and developers in-house to design and script custom web applications designed for a range of browsers – and for almost any screen. However, never before for a screen of 3840 x 6480 pixels. The challenge here is to create a smooth flowing animation that can run on such a large screen area. They also wanted a number of special functions, such as:

• introducing custom logos for clients and prospects
• delivering personal messages to clients and prospects
• adding dynamic video content as picture-in-picture.
The video-wall software is a custom web-application, optimised for Chrome running on Windows computers. However, we’ve also tested the system with Safari and Firefox.
Video-wall designed by BSL

The development…

We started by creating several alternative designs for the video-wall. Once we had an approval for one of the designs, we started developing the web application. One of the challenges is optimizing a dynamic video display that can run smoothly at 60 frames per second on such a large screen. The development took around three to four weeks, but as the client urgently needed to have something running when they moved offices, we delivered an initial release during the first week. We hosted these early releases on servers located here in Breukelen. We delivered several versions, asking for client feedback on each new release. As the web application neared completion, we created a management interface. Using this, they can add custom messages, graphics and backgrounds to the video-wall. This means they can welcome individual clients/prospects, and change the look of the video-wall.  Once the software was completed, we installed the web server and the management interface on site.

The project is a great example of a continuous delivery process that actively involves client stakeholders. Delivering incremental releases that can be reviewed and improved, together with the client. 

Video-wall designed by BSL

At BSL, you have come to the right place for…

Unique solutions

OK, we love a challenge. And unique developments such as the video-wall fit nicely into this category. The client had very clear requirements, and there was no off-the-shelf solution, particularly given the need to support such a large screen area. Bring your unique project to us, and we will go through the options with you. Usually we can make a fixed cost design and build proposal, and guarantee delivery. So totally risk-free!

Long-term relations
One-off projects are welcome, but we always hope to create a partnership with clients. Almost like your own in-house team. The client supplies their business knowledge and requirements – and we use our development skills to advise you, and deliver your new products. And by continually renewing our technology, we can build on each success. Delivering new releases that meet your changing needs.
Agile and flexible
We encourage the incremental delivery of software in multiple Sprints. Starting with a minimal viable product, then gradually introducing features in subsequent releases. This means that clients don’t need to become bogged down in the design and testing of complex releases. We can design, build and quickly deliver an initial version, and then add new features at your own tempo. It helps you to manage your budget, and speeds up delivery.

“This project presented a number of challenges. How about developing for three linked UHD screens, and a resolution of 3840 x 6480 pixels? Creating a smooth 60 fps animation whilst refreshing visitor information means that you need to spend a lot of time optimizing the code. But – quoting the A-team – I love it when a plan comes together!”


Front-end Developer, Bright Side of Life

Financieele Dagblad – News, Image and Audio Archive

Financieele Dagblad – News, Image and Audio Archive

Financieele Dagblad

The financial news source for the Netherlands

Financieele Dagblad Multimedia News Archive (NIA)

The Financieele Dagblad (FD) is the “Dutch” Financial Times. So first of all they focus on the economy, and business news. Furthermore, they produce in-depth financial reports, background studies and analyses. While their own journalists and photographers are key to the FD brand and style of journalism, they also use content delivered by press bureaus (such as Reuters or ANP). Consequently they receive more than 3000 photos and articles each day from these sources.

BNR (part of the FD Mediagroep) prides itself on providing the most ‘up-to-the-minute’ radio news service in the Netherlands. BNR reports on news from both home and abroad, the financial world, politics and sport.

The combination of print and radio journalism presents a number of challenges. So when the Financieele Dagblad decided to create their own editorial system, they came to BSL. We designed and built a custom content management system: the NIA (News, Image and Audio archive).

financieele dagblad
Copyright Het Financieele Dagblad

BSL designs and develops an editorial system

Working together with the Financieele Dagblad, we created their NIA (News, Image and Audio Archive). First of all we introduced processes that import the stream of content that they receive each day. Thousands of images, videos, text articles, and artwork delivered from press bureaus. Likewise content provided by their own photographers and journalists. We store this content using Sybase ASE. As a result we can use Sybase FTS indexing technology to make searching for content fast, and flexible. After the initial introduction, we extended the system, importing and indexing audio produced by BNR (Business News Radio).
Financieele Dagblad news editors can create search profiles, describing the the content in which they are interested. As a result the NIA can automatically deliver matching images and text to their browser. The FD journalists then use the integrated text editor (along with a built-in  spelling and grammar checker) to write new articles. The text we select from their feeds is available, making it easy to copy/paste content, or to check their articles against external sources. When complete, the NIA exports the final text, alongside cropped and scaled images chosen by the photo editors. While the NIA was designed initially for print, new articles can also be sent to the FD website. Finally, published articles and pages are stored as text and PDF’s in the NIA. Creating an archive of published content.
Copyright Het Financieele Dagblad

At BSL, you have come to the right place for…

Search expertise

BSL has 20 years experience of advanced search and business intelligence technologies. These include Autonomy, Exalead, Oracle Text, Elastic Search and Sybase FTS. As a result, users can also quickly and easily make partial matches, combine search terms using and/or and apply wildcards. We can even support linguistic techniques designed to extract the meaning from content. These technologies ensure that we can find and select the most relevant information, even from millions of documents. Applying this technology, the NIA offers the Financieele Dagblad journalists fast and secure access to all their news and multimedia content.

Robust technology

News is a 24hr business. Hence software such as the Financieele Dagblad NIA must be available 24 hours a day. Importing new content, and managing the editorial workflow. Consequently our web applications are designed to be robust. Likewise, our experienced developers are familiar with the latest demands of Internet security. So we are familiar with using tools such as Veracode and Fortify, to keep your content private, and your users safe.

Long-term support

When a software product has entered production, users need long-term support and maintenance. Hence we offer clients a range of flexible support services. These can include many options such as 24/7 availability, guaranteed response times, and on-site visits. All at a fixed annual cost.

Probably the biggest challenge with this type of project is the steep-learning curve. In this case, learning about the type of content, the editorial workflow, and the needs of journalists. Consequently BSL has developed unique skills in picking up the information needed to design and create custom solutions. Why don’t you get in touch to discuss your next project?

Caroline Bos

Relation Manager, Bright Side of Life

NBD Biblion – AIDA Multimedia Order System

NBD Biblion – AIDA Multimedia Order System

NBD Biblion

AIDA Online Order System

NBD Biblion – AIDA Online Order System

NBD Biblion offers products, services and expertise in the field of Dutch language media titles. Notably reviewing almost every book and multimedia title (DVD, Blu-rays etc.) published in the Netherlands. They are therefore one of the largest suppliers of information and purchasing advice to public libraries and (school) media centers. One NBD Biblion service is the ordering system AIDA: their Acquisition and Information DAtabase.

AIDA website users frequently need to search and order hundreds of titles (books and multimedia) every week. With this in mind, NBD Biblion therefore provides many details for each title. For example, the purchase price, book cover, format, page count, and blurb/summary. They also need a number of unique search and order features.


First of all, users can quickly and easily search for titles, just by filling in words in a simple search field. Maybe best described as a ‘Google-like’ method. If this yields too many results, we also provide more refined methods. So users can search for a specific title, author or ISBN/EAN number. AIDA adds selected titles to an order basket. The system then orders these titles in a batch.


Moreover, users don’t even need to search. Because they can just upload an order list they have created. AIDA then selects and orders all of the requested titles automatically. Because there can be hundreds of orders, AIDA provides a complete order history for users. While NBD Biblion originally developed AIDA themselves, they realized that they needed improvements. They turned to BSL, who were asked to rebuild the system completely. Not only the web interface, but also the underlying database interfaces. A challenge which we grasped with both hands.

NBD Biblion AIDA - Multimedia Order System
NBD Biblion AIDA - Multimedia Order System

Completely new user-friendly AIDA

BSL designed and realized a new front-end for the AIDA ordering system. Firstly we designed it to match the NBD Biblion house style. So users encounter a familiar look & feel. In addition we introduced various technical changes. These include using Drupal, combining a new MySQL database with integrated links to the underlying Oracle title database.

As a result we created a completely new user-friendly AIDA. Where information is clearly presented to end-users. A site that is compatible with a range of popular browsers. Moreover, by using a Drupal CMS, NBD Biblion content managers can now quickly and easily add offers, promotional material and messages to their ‘shop window’. Authorized users can even change the site layout using the CMS.  AIDA is linked to the NBD Biblion back-end Oracle systems, so users can access the full catalog of titles. Including bibliographic content and current price information. Customer orders can be placed using the new website interfaces. And then processed directly via the back-end.


NBD Biblion AIDA - Multimedia Order System

At BSL, you’re at the right address for…

Drupal, a flexible CMS

Drupal is a flexible CMS, used by small companies, multinationals and all sizes in-between! First of all it allows customers to easily maintain their own website contents. In addition, a Drupal website can be hosted anywhere so is easy to manage. And our developers can use Drupal to create complex websites in just a few weeks.

Databank expertise

Thanks to our years of experience with (multimedia) database solutions and the flexibility of our modular approach, we can integrate our solutions with your current infrastructure. In this case we linked AIDA to the back-end Oracle-systems used by NBD Biblion.

Long-term support

When a software product has gone into production, users often need support and maintenance for the longer term. That is why we offer our customers a range of flexible support services. NBD Biblion has a maintenance agreement with BSL. This keeps the site up and running and secure – 7 days a week.

“There were many technical challenges during the design and realization of a good interface for the AIDA order system. Drupal was chosen for the web interface. We then had to integrate this front-end with existing back-end API services based on Oracle. A challenge that we were able to meet.”


Software Architect, Bright Side of Life

CRV – Multimedia Web Application

CRV – Multimedia Web Application

Coöperatie Rundveeverbetering

CRV Multimedia Database

CRV – Multimedia Database

CRV Holding B.V. (CRV) is an innovative organization based in the Netherlands. It was established as an international center of excellence for animal husbandry and cattle improvement. In particular, the CRV aims to create added value for professional dairy and beef farmers . They do so by offering high-quality products and services. Alongside its home market, the CRV’s products and services are available in more than 50 countries.

An important part of CRV’s service is the maintenance of extensive cattle records (text, images and videos). They wanted to manage their photo archive in digital form, for direct use by online publications. To this end, we designed their Digital Photo Archive (DFA). The DFA was based on our Digital Asset Management software (FRS). Our engineers have since created their Multimedia Database (MMB). The MMB subsequently contains thousands of photos of dairy and breeding cattle. And hundreds of videos too. What’s more, the MMB is fully integrated within the CRV network infrastructure and workflows.

CRV Multimedia Database – Web Application
CRV Multimedia Database – Web Application

Manage files with a unique database

With the Multimedia Databank (MMB), the CRV can automatically import multiple images. In a variety of formats. Our software first compresses them, then stores them centrally in different resolutions. It also automatically adds attributes, and couples source descriptions to the images. Especially relevant, we can enrich the data using links that we make with other data sources within CRV.  Authorized employees can then update this information using a custom web application we developed. What is more, they can add or update further attributes associated with each animal. And finally, they can make selections from the database contents (including photos, videos and descriptions). They can then share these selections with CRV partners worldwide.

Because we store the files in an Oracle database, MMB is stable, fast and reliable. Moreover, the use of Oracle Text means that CRV employees can use 40 different search attributes to  find the right material.

Manage files with a unique database

With the Multimedia Databank (MMB), the CRV can automatically import multiple images. In a variety of formats. Our software first compresses them, then stores them centrally in different resolutions. It also automatically adds attributes, and couples source descriptions to the images. Especially relevant, we can enrich the data using links that we make with other data sources within CRV.  Authorized employees can then update this information using a custom web application we developed. What is more, they can add or update further attributes associated with each animal. And finally, they can make selections from the database contents (including photos, videos and descriptions). They can then share these selections with CRV partners worldwide.

Because we store the files in an Oracle database, MMB is stable, fast and reliable. Moreover, the use of Oracle Text means that CRV employees can use 40 different search attributes to  find the right material.

CRV Multimedia Database – Web Application

At BSL, you have come to the right place for…

Multilingual database

The CRV Multimedia Database is multilingual in every respect. Firstly because the interface is available in several languages. But users can translate the contents too. And carry out searches in different languages as well. This means the CRV can share its unique database contents with international subsidiaries and partners. Colleagues and customers worldwide have secure, fast access to its photo archive and film material.

Database expertise

We have years of experience working with multimedia database solutions. And our modular approach makes us flexible. Which means we have the expertise to integrate our solutions with your current infrastructure. Our developers have created links between the Multimedia Database (MMB) and the International Cattle Information System (IRIS). With one press of a button, our software first reads data from the IRIS system. Next it couples the data to individual images. In addition, the MMB registers studbook records, breeding values, and milk production figures. This link therefore not only saves time. It also ensures that CRV employees have continual access to up-to-date and accurate data.

Intelligent search engines

BSL has expertise with many search and business intelligence technologies. These include Autonomy, ExaleadOracle TextElastic Search and Sybase FTS. Which means we can index the entire contents of documents. To do so, we use language intelligence and semantic search techniques to recognize words, sentences, concepts and synonyms. Applying these technologies, we can therefore find and select the most relevant information. Even from millions of documents.

“We gave the Multimedia Database an extra dimension when we rolled it out for use by the CRV.  I’m referring to the multi-lingual support. But also the additional features we developed. In particular, how we helped support the CRV’s workflow. One of the main challenges was to implement the product so that all departments had optimum benefit from the database.  And to ensure it became part of their daily work processes.”


Software Architect, Bright Side of Life

Contact BSL
Contact BSL