On Monday, 6 February, several powerful earthquakes and aftershocks hit Turkey and Syria. These quakes caused massive damage in the border region of both countries. By Thursday this week, the death toll already exceeds 20,000, and more than 40,000 people have injuries. This disaster affects as many as 23 million people, including many children and many who are already in desperate need due to the conflict in Syria. If possible, please join us in making a donation on the Giro555 website.
Due to the frequent aftershocks and the ever-present risk of further collapses, many people do not dare to spend the night in their homes. In addition, the lack of safe shelter, warmth and food makes survival in the freezing cold challenging. For rescue teams, it is a race against time to pull victims out from under the immense rubble from collapsed buildings.
These reports have not gone unnoticed at the Bright Side of Life, and we are deeply affected by the news reports. As a result, BSL has made a contribution to the relief effort by donating to Giro555. We hope this contribution will help and wish the victims and help agencies strength over the coming days and weeks.
The Cooperating Relief Organisations in the Netherlands (Samenwerkende Hulporganisaties) have opened Giro555 to help the victims of earthquakes in Syria and Turkey. On the Giro555 site, you can read more about the emergency aid they are providing.
On Wednesday, 15 February, there will be a National Day of Action, during which the various radio and TV stations will focus on the disaster. But of course, you don’t have to wait until then. Like BSL, you can now contribute to this emergency aid via Giro555.
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