As well as developing custom software for a wide range of customers, BSL has also created a number of exciting apps. And in just the same way that we update our software to keep abreast of new technology and customer requirements, we regularly look at ways to improve our apps too! The focus in recent weeks has been on producing a new BoekWijzer release, our literary app that brings the wealth of Literatuurplein website information to your smartphone and tablet.
BoekWijzer gives you access to a database containing information about nearly 1 million Dutch titles and some 750,000 authors. BoekWijzer quickly shows you the most popular titles, and allows you to keep up-to-date with the latest literary developments via ‘News’, ‘Authors’ and ‘Books’. What’s more, BoekWijzer also includes a useful guide to (literary) programmes on TV and radio, and you can even order books directly via the app.
BoekWijzer updates
We’ve recently released an exciting update, making it easier for Boekwijzer users to share news about a particular book, author or TV/radio programme via social media. In this new release, Facebook, Twitter and other forms of social media can now access the Boekwijzer information directly, ensuring that it can be shown in a clearer, more attractive way than was previously the case.
To achieve this, our engineers have added a new custom-made Drupal module to the BoekWijzer web site. The module first takes the Boekwijzer content from the underlying web services, then adds it to the web site page. By sharing the page, Facebook, Twitter etc. then simply re-indexes the page.
This SEO-friendly solution is an ideal way to link web services with Drupal web sites without the need to import data. And it is not just a BoekWijzer-specific solution, but one that we’ve successfully used in other projects too.
Our engineers are currently working on new features for the next Boekwijzer release, one that includes interviews as well as columns written by lovers of literature.
Latest BoekWijzer release
You can download the latest version 1.3. here:
If you’re interested in the creation of an App based on content in your own website, CMS or database, please get in touch.