NBD Biblion
NBD Biblion offers products, services and expertise in the field of media and content. They are the largest supplier of information and purchase advice for Public Libraries and (school) media centres in the Netherlands. Hundreds of new books and other media arrive at NBD Biblion every week. Each title is classified and reviewed by NBD Biblion, adding extensive metadata to each published title.
As well as this title information, NBD Biblion provides reviews and additional information about recent books and authors. They also publish high-quality extracts and author profiles for libraries, schools, and other organisations.
BSL created the More over Media system (MOM) to input and manage the content created by NBD Biblion. In addition to content management, MOM includes several services and APIs that are used to publish the content and make it accessible for subscribers.
To make the reviews, extracts and author profiles easily accessible for registered users, BSL developed two products for NBD Biblion: LiteRom and Uittrekselbank. Designed together with Spankracht, they are known as the NBD Databases or ‘Databanken’.

LiteRom is a digital information source with more than 100,000 high-quality and reliable articles from Dutch and Belgian newspapers. You will find many book reviews and related information here, including author interviews. Alongside an archive that dates back to 1900, LiteRom is updated daily to respond to current events. With all this background information at their fingertips, users can delve deep into Dutch literature.
Depending on their subscription, some LiteRom users can access additional selections of children’s- and international literature.
We developed the LiteRom website with Drupal 9. It is accessible to students, public library visitors, and members of various organisations. Users frequently access the site from different locations, such as schools, (public) libraries, and home (as a student or library member). In most cases, authorisation is automatic, so users don’t usually need to log in manually. We achieve this by adopting a complex underlying authorisation process, with an Identity Provider (IdP) developed by BSL, integrated with NBD Biblion’s client registration system, and platforms from Kennisnet and the Dutch National Library (KB).
LiteRom is a digital information source with more than 100,000 high-quality and reliable articles from Dutch and Belgian newspapers. You will find many book reviews and related information here, including author interviews. Alongside an archive that dates back to 1900, LiteRom is updated daily to respond to current events. With all this background information at their fingertips, users can delve deep into Dutch literature.
Depending on their subscription, some LiteRom users can access additional selections of children’s- and international literature.
We developed the LiteRom website with Drupal 9. It is accessible to students, public library visitors, and members of various organisations. Users frequently access the site from different locations, such as schools, (public) libraries, and home (as a student or library member). In most cases, authorisation is automatic, so users don’t usually need to log in manually. We achieve this by adopting a complex underlying authorisation process, with an Identity Provider (IdP) developed by BSL, integrated with NBD Biblion’s client registration system, and platforms from Kennisnet and the Dutch National Library (KB).

The Uittrekselbank is a product that gives users access to detailed extracts and in-depth author profiles written by NBD Biblion editors. The product has many similarities with LiteRom. Both react to current topics, news, or high-profile authors that are presented on the home page. Books and authors are easy to find using the various search options. And if you are interested in the topic of a book, you can quickly find titles with the same theme. One particularly useful feature is that you can view LiteRom reviews from the Uittrekselbank website. And conversely, when using the Literom website you will find links to content in the Uittrekselbank.
The Databases have been developed using Drupal. However, the content for these products is provided by a single API – developed by BSL. What’s more, the reviews and extracts can also be viewed in NBD Biblion’s MOM product. This is a portal where users can access more information about any book found in a library catalogue.

At BSL, you have come to the right place for…
Long-term partnership
Expertise in API-integration in standard CMSs
Continuous improvement
We have made many incremental improvements since we delivered the first system for publishing reviews and author profiles, both in content management and the frontend. We continuously update services as well. The Databases have been the most important addition. Here too, we deliver ongoing improvements each year.
“There was initially an API that provided access to reviews, author profiles and other information via different entry channels. These articles and texts also include basic information about each title. The interesting and challenging vision for the Databases is that the book becomes central. Once you’ve found a particular title, you can then access all reviews and author profiles that are available. In particular the complex authorisation process – that links multiple platforms to support every means of access – called for an interesting and challenging architecture.”