
Copyright and intellectual property
Under the terms of our disclaimer, the design and the entire contents (text, images, video and more) are copyrighted by, and the intellectual property of, The Bright Side of Life (BSL).
BSL is either the owner of the copyrights and intellectual property rights or has been granted permission by the rightful owner to use the material within this website. Infringement of these rights is an offence punishable under civil law.
Any unauthorized or improper use of the web pages or the contents – which includes specifically, but not exclusively, copying, distributing, trading, republishing or by other means using the data other than to view or index the site contents – will be considered an infringement of the copyrights and intellectual rights of the rightful owners. Therefore, you require written permission from BSL to use the website (contents) in such a manner. Furthermore, it is forbidden to edit these web pages’ appearance in any way without our permission.
BSL makes every effort to ensure that the information contained on this site is accurate and up-to-date. However, despite our care in the production, the contents may be incomplete or contain errors, and the website may not always be available. Accordingly, BSL accepts no liability for any incorrect or incomplete information published on this site nor for any damages arising from the use of said information or the unavailability of the website.
These web pages may contain links to third-party sites. BSL has no control over these websites. Therefore, BSL is not responsible for these websites’ quality, content, correctness, safety or legality and is not liable for any claims in this regard.
We do not accept any responsibility for the content of websites to which this website refers or the content of websites which refer to this website. Accordingly, we will reject any claim made for damages suffered due to visiting a website using these links.
Disclaimer applicability
By using these web pages, you agree to the contents of this disclaimer. You accept that Dutch law applies to your use of these web pages and the operation of this disclaimer.