Pulse - Knowledge is Strength

Business Intelligence for a Competitive Edge

Knowledge is Strength

Business Intelligence for a Competitive Edge

Knowledge is Power. But to survive as a knowledge organization, access to information is not enough.

Business Intelligence must be up to date, reliable and relevant. BSL has built an information system called Pulse. It’s the solution to many of the challenges facing any professional company providing business services, or advice. Get direct access to premium data sources, business news, social media content, website extracts, and company reports using a single system. Subscribe to the news you want to see, and it will arrive automatically in your inbox or on your smartphone.

Knowledge is Power. But to survive as a knowledge organization, you need more.

Business Intelligence must be up to date, reliable and relevant. BSL has built an information system called Pulse. It’s the solution to many of the challenges facing any professional company providing business services, or advice. Get direct access to premium data sources, business news, social media content, website extracts, and company reports using a single system.

Business Intelligence – The Challenges

  • How do I keep track of what’s happening in my client’s industry?
  • How do I keep abreast of recent developments in my area of expertise?
  • Where do I find the information that I need?
  • When I find information, how do I know it can be trusted?

Director, Client Advisory Services

  • How do I meet the ever-growing demand for news and information from our Analysts?
  • How can I spend more time on in-depth analysis and less on providing ad hoc news services?
  • How do I increase the awareness and use of the premium content we purchase?

Research Assistant

Analysts spend too much of their own time searching for information, using multiple sources and tools. This doesn’t make good use of their skills, the available resources, or their time.

  • They often don’t know about all the premium content that’s available to them
  • They lack the time to constantly dig for valuable and incisive news
  • They often resort to unreliable sources, such as Google

In many organisations, research assistants manually curate and distribute newsletters. However, even skilled researchers can only manage 5 or 6 briefings each week.

  • Their time and resources limit the number of topics they are able to cover for the Analysts
  • They are increasingly asked to focus on in-depth research and analysis, but they don’t have the time

Analysts and consultants have the information they need only 56% of the time


Researchers spend 26% of their time searching for, consolidating and analyzing information


Business Intelligence – The Pulse Solution

Business Intelligence

A Consistent Channel for Business News


BSL has created a web-based solution: ‘Pulse‘. It consolidates content from any number of sources and services into a single, easy to manage system. It imports articles and content automatically, indexing and classifying each article as it’s imported.

If your needs extend beyond premium services such as BloombergFactivaForresterGartnerLexis NexisISI etc., Pulse also imports content from in-house sources, annual reports, RSS feeds, Twitter / Social media or even website contents.

Business Intelligence

Intelligent News Profiles


Research assistants use Pulse to create selection profiles, specifying the type of content that is wanted for a specific news feed. They can use any number of keywords, topics, and concepts to select or (sometimes) exclude content.

For advanced researchers we offer unique methods of selecting content, including semantic analysis or sentiment analysis. Any number of news feeds and channels can be created, tested, and published. Once published, these profiled news feeds are updated continually as new content arrives.

Business Intelligence

News à la Carte


Users just subscribe to the news feeds that interests them. And they choose how often they want updates.

Pulse delivers content via company portals, RSS, e-mail, or direct to user’s smartphones. So Analysts and Consultants have access to the latest news, whenever and wherever they want.

What is more, Pulse monitors which articles are read, and which sources are the most valuable to users. Which naturally strengthens your position when negotiating with content providers.

Business Intelligence – The Results

Pulse as Global Solution @ PwC 

sources in 25 languages

articles processed per day

profiled news feeds



internal newsletters

Especially in the current economic climate my clients expect me to keep abreast of the latest issues and developments in their markets. I use Pulse to scan the latest news via my personal Pulse portal page and email, as do many of my colleagues.

International Development Leader


Easy access to all news

92% of the users say they want to continue using Pulse 

Winner of 2 MPF Awards

Best use of Technology & Best Collaboration Across International Borders

Improved use of content

83% increase in the number of downloaded IDC research reports

Pulse saves significant costs and improves efficiency by automating manual processes

  • Before Pulse, PwC Netherlands had 6 research specialist managing a maximum of 60 news alerts.

  • Within 2 years using Pulse, just  4 research specialists were managing over 1.000 alerts.


Cost reduction in managing news alerts with Pulse

Time is precious. I’m using Pulse on a daily basis, because it saves me so much time. It is so easy to scan the news and then drill down to the full article if necessary. I have subscribed to several feeds that keep me up to date with all news related to my Clients and to the Industries I serve.”

Central Cluster Leader

“With Pulse, I can get just the right amount of information I need on the run.”

“With Pulse, I can get just the right amount of information I need on the run.”

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