DilemmaMatch cross-platform
DilemmaMatch cross-platform

DilemmaMatch Cross-Platform on Android / iOS

At the start of May BSL released new DilemmaMatch cross-platform versions of our free social app for iOS and Android (version 1.06). These latest releases are identical on both platforms, offering up/down voting on motivations, badges, featured Dilemmas, and Dilemma of the Day.


DilemmaMatch compares your interests and responses to Dilemmas with other users throughout the world. This exciting and original app helps you find people who think like you – your potential Soulmates – and then helps you to get in touch via Social Media!

Building on the success of earlier releases, the DilemmaMatch cross-platform version contains many new features. For example, you can compare your answers with those of your Facebook friends or our top Dilemma creators, earn badges, review your answers, add multiple motivations, and vote/like other users’ motivations. All of these features and more have been added – so take a look!

DilemmaMatch cross-platform – new features

The new features in a nutshell:

  • Dilemma Counts in Interests screen
  • Featured Dilemmas / Dilemma of the Day
  • My Answers tab in My Profile
  • Top Dilemma Creators tab in Soulmates
  • Facebook Friends tab in Soulmates
  • Awards / badges
  • Addition of motivations
  • Voting motivations

Premium version

Users of the Premium version (available as an in-app purchase) can create their own Dilemmas containing images and movies – a really good way of finding people who share your thoughts and beliefs. Or maybe you want help with a Dilemma, or just want to find out what others are thinking about issues that matter to you.

Learn more about DilemmaMatch on our project page






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